1. Confidentiality.
Before the circle starts everyone signs a document to keep everything that was shared by other man in absolute secret. What happened in Vegas stays in Vegas.

2. Being on time.
If you get late please inform us about it. if you are late we might not be able to allow to break into the group process

3. Respect and no judgements.
In the circle All men are welcome, regardless of colour, class, sexual orientation, faith, age, ability, ethnicity, and nationality.

4. No Violence.
No physical or emotional violence, no insulting or yelling.

5. No Drugs or Alcohol.
Being sober is basic thing.

6. Authenticity
Just be who you really are, sincere about what you feel and think. there is no reason to pretend to be someone else no-one is better no-one is worse, you are unique. Don't put judgement on yourself and others. Talk about what is, about your self, you feelings, thoughts, ideas, visions or perception.

7. Participation
Openness is giving value to the circles, be open to share, and be open to listen and accept be open. If you don't feel like taking or sharing it is ok, it is your choice just know that in this you are not bringing value to the circle. It is based on the contribution and what you give and would be valuable to express what is happening in you that makes you not desiring to share. Can be just a fear of talking public or shame, whatever it is, it is you and it is ok!

8. Presence
Be present with your attention, it is the great thing that allow you to and others to benefit from the meeting.

9. Freedom and courage
it could be strange, but very often men are used to please and take any roles that provide some kind of safety or benefits, it is understandable and making a life being a jail at the same time where you don't feel relaxed. And being at ease with yourself sometimes requires courage so I encourage you to be who you are.